The Noongar Dreaming Path is located in Gnarojin Park and was designed by Aboriginal artist Jerry Morrison, with a team of local Noongar artists and Elders. They gathered up lost fragments of the Noongar culture and represented the stories in a number of sites along the Narrogin Brook. The following sites revive the knowledge of traditional culture of the local Noongar people.
- Marramucking Well (Noongar Marramucking)
- Men and women meet while walking (Koornaming koorliny)
- Men’s corroboree magic ground (Noongar midar bulya boojoor)
- Women’s magic ground (Yorka midar bulyar boojoor)
- Rainbow running water pools (Walken kebjtj manang)
- Campfire grounds (Kallep boodjera)
- Totems mixing together (Couburne wirdanging)
- Ochre in uneven ground (Mardaa boodjera dardong)
Five interpretive panels have been installed, as shown on the map below – these address important elements of the Noongar connection to this part of the Brook.