Yornaning Dam
Yornaning Dam is on the Yornaning West Road between Cuballing and Popanyinning (20kms from Narrogin on the Great Southern Highway). Yornaning dam reserve is a great ecotourist stop. With picnic tables, gas BBQ and playground beside the scenic Yornaning dam, this is the best spot for a picnic in hotter months. This is an excellent place for easy bushwalking, cycling, wildlife and bird watching, and winter/spring wildflowers.
Yornaning Dam Catchment Trail
A walk passes the diversion dam that separates fresh and saline water and tall Salmon Gum Forest before entering Wandoo / Rock Sheoak woodland. Salmon gums can be confused with large wandoos, but differ in having shiny leaves (wandoos are dull), and layered foliage (wandoos bunchy). Wandoo woodland is good country for spotting Rufous Tree Creepers. In late September- Early October look for beautiful yellow Custard Orchid and pink Verticordia flowers.
Yornaning Dam Tea Tree Trail
An easy walk around the dam, which gives a view of the dam and its resident birds and turtles in the water and fringing tea tree bush shrubs. Look for wildflowers in the wandoo-rock sheoak woodland from July to October.
For more information please download the brochure below, it provides a concise summary of features and attractions for visitors.
- 72 hr Free RV camping